Saturday, November 1, 2008


Some quotations -- Both mine and by others. Personal quotations are the ones without attribute. This post is dynamic in nature. I enrich it whenever I come across something interesting.

  • "Give me a gun and a day's exemption from law and I can get the Indian psychiatrist to come up with an excellent diagnosis of some organic pathology in his own brain."
  • "By the time the new human-being is 15 or so, we are left with a being like ourselves, a half-crazed creature more or less adjusted to a mad world. This is normality." -- R.D. Laing (1967)
  • "In human society at all its levels, persons confirm one another in a practical way, to some extent or other, in their personal qualities and capacitites, and a society may be termed human in the measure to which its members confirm one another." -- Martin Buber (1957, referring to the importance in the confirmation of personal authenticity of human beings.)
  • "We will eventually have to develop a theory of what makes all people march before we can say very much about why some people march to a different drummer." -- Bannister (1971, in reference to schizophrenia and other psychopathologies.)